

类型: 电影解说
导演: 石川淳一
更新:2024-12-11 01:30:01




  专拍神秘事件的YouTuber雨宫(间宫祥太朗 饰)受朋友所托调查一间拥有古怪间隔的旧屋,于是雨宫找来喜欢神秘学的建筑师栗原(佐藤二朗 饰)协助分析平面图。他们陆续发现平面图上「细思极恐」的诡异细节,栗原甚至作出一个大胆假设!此时,「诡屋」附近骇然发现一具弃尸,雨宫怀疑背后有恐怖内情,决定把所有疑点拍成视频放上网络,随即引来神秘女子柚希(川荣李奈 饰)提供关键线索。三人越查越深入,不但发现了其他古怪民居平面图,背后的黑暗真相亦随之浮现…你能拆解这诡异谜团吗?


  • 搭车1977[电影解说] 6.0 搭车1977[电影解说]
    1977 电影解说
    简介:  這是一部意大利驚悚片,是個沒出名的經典作品。  故事的開始是在全國各地旅行的年輕夫婦,他們犯了一個錯誤,就是接受了一個搭便車者,而這不速之客竟然是一個暴力犯罪的銀行劫匪。  這部驚悚巧妙的掌握到瘋狂轉折的情節。攝影很時尚,有美麗的鄉村。音樂雖然有點不搭,但也很棒。此外,還有相當數量的暴力和裸體。  這部電影的真正亮點在於三位明星,他們在整部影片中都有搶眼的表現。  Franco Nero的表演令人信服,是個嗜酒的記者,對妻子漸漸感到厭倦。飾演妻子的Corinne Clery同樣疲憊於Nero,而她有個動人的身材。這種情況正好給惡棍大衛赫斯提供了絕佳的機會……  imdb評論
  • 摧花手[电影解说] 2.0 摧花手[电影解说]
    1970 电影解说
    简介:  美国游客山姆隔着美术馆的玻璃窗,瞥见一宗企图谋杀,他的及时出现让凶手逃走了,获救的女子芳名莫尼卡。不久,山姆仿佛受了蛊惑似的对这宗谋杀着了迷,他决定追踪凶手的下落,这自然让他的女友朱丽娅很不快;而同时他和女友也开始接到威胁电话……
  • 谵妄[电影解说] 5.0 谵妄[电影解说]
    1987 电影解说
    简介:  前模特兼杂志社老板格洛丽亚自嫁给富商后便隐退江湖,然而丈夫的意外去世使她一蹶不振,直至一年后才重返杂志界,可伴随着她回归的是一连桩血腥命案,杂志的封面模特接连死亡,在凶手眼中她们似容貌可憎的怪物,在残忍杀戮后,他总会将尸体摆放在格洛丽亚的海报前拍摄照片并将其寄给格洛丽亚,这让她整日惶恐不安,担心自己成为下一个被害者。这究竟是生意对手的死亡威胁,还是潜伏在身边的杀人魔所为?格洛丽亚将凭借她的巨乳...不,是智慧寻找答案。
  • 贾斯廷1969[电影解说] 5.0 贾斯廷1969[电影解说]
    1969 电影解说
    简介:  In Alexandria, in 1938, Darley, a young British schoolmaster and poet, makes friends through Pursewarden, the British consular officer, with Justine, the beautiful and mysterious wife of a Coptic banker. He observes the affairs of her heart and incidentally discovers that she is involved in a plot against the British, meant to arm the Jewish underground in Palestine. The plot finally fails, Justine is sent to jail and Darley decides to return to England.  - Written by Guy Bellinger (From IMDb)
  • 法国性谋杀[电影解说] 4.0 法国性谋杀[电影解说]
    1972 电影解说
    简介:  Formerly, the usual UK title was THE BOGEY MAN AND THE FRENCH MURDERS. There's also a Greek video with the sleeve title, CALL GIRLS FOR INSPECTOR BOGART. The inspector is not named Bogart, nor does he get any call girls, but who cares? It's a title that sells.  There's a killer in Paris, a suicide from the Eiffel Tower, a brothel as the main setting, insane professors, an eye-ball thief, an inspector who looks like Humphrey Bogart (for no apparent reason), a truly creepy Anita Ekberg, and an impressive line-up of Euro-stars. How Dick Randall assembled this cast is beyond me, but he did it. Besides Anita Ekberg, there's Rosalba Neri (who even sings a song in a nightclub), Barbara Bouchet, Evelyn Kraft, Howard Vernon, and Robert Sacchi as inspector Pontaine or Humphrey Bogart. The title is pretty accurate. The murders take place during, before or after sex in a brothel in Paris. In between, the Bogey-man snoops around trying to track down the killer, but he is not too bright. You'll probably have figured it out long before he does.  The film's producer was American Dick Randall who took residence in Rome in the '60s but basically was wherever the deals where made, which meant Rome in the '60s, Bangkok and Hong Kong in the '70s and London in the '80s. Whilst residing in Italy, he payed close attention and decided to take a shot at the giallo as well, and produced this piece of cinematic soufflé. It's a perfect example of totally round the bend Euro-tosh, with a rather tame execution actually. The direction is not wildly imaginative, a workman's job at best, so don't expect outrageous Italian craftsmanship and style here, but some spicing-up in the editing by Bruno Mattei.  The special effects were done by future Oscar-winner Carlo Rambaldi of ET fame. I guess he learned a lot since this one. Of course, the presence of Robert Sacchi, among some other ingredients (mostly the cast) give this film a certain weird identity of its own. All together, it's pretty much a poor man's interpretation of an Italian Giallo.  The version on Mondo Macabro's DVD never existed in this form. From various copies, they assembled the longest version they could possibly paste together. There's an English audio-track, but a couple of scenes appear in Italian with subtitles.  imdb comment
  • 疯狂寻乐[电影解说] 5.0 疯狂寻乐[电影解说]
    1969 电影解说
    简介:  The film came out as "Detective Belli", starring Franco Nero, then a European heart-throb when the movie came out. Nero plays against type as an unrepentantly corrupt police detective. During the course of the investigation of a murder, Det. Belli makes his way through the upper society of Rome. Amazingly, he begins to develop a conscience and decides to "do the right thing" and find out who the real murderer is. Like all sentient males, he is attracted to Florinda Bolkan who looks fantastic in this film, having also shared the screen with Michael Caine in another movie around this time. The upshot--in a reprise of the famous ending scene in the Maltese Falcon, Nero confronts Bolkan in a graveyard and, although attracted to her, confronts her with the fact that she is the murderer. She tries to bribe him, alluding to a life together. Det. Belli is intransigent. But then, in a very atypical ending, she shoots him and he dies and she gets away with it. A very twisty thriller when it first came out. I enjoyed it and remember the surprise ending to this day.


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